Some days, you're really in the mood to feature hunt. This morning, I got the call from Justin that we were going to do a whole photo page on the snow. I love shooting for a page-- you can broaden your ideas about what to shoot, because variety becomes important for layout. Cold, snowy, hot coffee, long drive, landscapes and moments. Really fun day. Plus natural vignette from my 70-200.
If you've ever lived with me, you know what this is. It's Lucier tomato sauce. It's just garlic and tomatoes and olive oil and a long time to cook. It's the beginnings of the sauce my dad wrote "Pasta for Tired Dancers" about. It's made in the cast iron skillet my mom gave me. It's my Sunday night in Indiana, made listening to NPR.
Seattle is stormy, and beautiful in a way I've never really seen it before. Perhaps this is because I'm homesick, and wish I lived here for real. Above, Matt's new dog and pheasants, at the Corson Building.
When things stop making sense, it's time for a vacation. I'll be in Seattle for two glorious weeks, starting tomorrow. Above, a shot for this morning's assignment, at the Ferdinand Optimist Club's Annual "Toilet Bowl."