Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Santa Claus Campground

We're working an a Saturday Feature about the volunteers at the United Methodist Santa Claus Campground in, you guessed it, Santa Claus, Ind. Today was an appreciation breakfast, where those who had volunteered for twenty years (!) were recognized. Here, someone worked out the dollar value of that volunteering-- over $3.2 million. What a tremendous gift. These men build houses, cut down trees, plane the wood and install floors in the cabins at this summer camp on a lake. If you're looking for a place to go in Southwest Indiana, this is it. This is a tough story visually, but I love it all the same. And did I mention they're all in their eighties?

1 comment:

Anjali Pinto said...

Oh my god! The second one is so so good. I normally don't like photos of people taking photos, but this is awesome.