Sunday, April 19, 2009

Features and Being Quiet

I'm always feature hunting, even when I'm home in Seattle. Driving around, spotting things going on in front yards and on the street, my first instinct is always "stop! there's a feature!" though there's no paper to put it in. I wonder what life will be like when I'm set adrift in September, after my internship at the Dallas Morning News. Where do all the features go when the community photojournalist is without a community?
With highs in the upper 70s on Saturday afternoon it was too hot to wait inside, so Courtney Carnahan, a sophomore, and Kevin Woodcox, a junior at Jasper high school, waited for their ride to prom on the sidewalk on the corner of 4th and Clay streets.


katie said...

love it... great job braking.

William DeShazer said...

This is awesome. I love the simplicity and the nervousness here.

William DeShazer said...

This is awesome. I love the simplicity and the nervousness here.